In this Document
Scope and Application
How To Drop, Create And Recreate DB Control In A 10g Database
DB Control options:
A. Delete DB Control Objects:
B. Create DB Control Objects
C. Recreate/ReConfig DB Control
Information in this document applies to any platform.
The format of the document will include steps for both 10.1 and 10.2 EMCA because the commands changed between the two releases.
For detailed instructions on DB Control 10.2 for RAC, please consult also:
Note 395162.1 How to manage DB Control 10.2 for RAC Database with emca
Option 1. Delete DB Control Configuration Files using EMCA scripts:
Option 2. Delete DB Control Configuration Files Manually:
Remove the following directories from your filesystem:
Option 3. Delete DB Control Repository using RepManager:
This option is not as complete as the other options. You may find that dropping the repository using the commandline options is a better solution. Also note, RepManager is not used to create a DB Control Repository.
Option 4. Delete DB Control Repository Objects Manually
Note: The above will completely delete the DB Control repository from the database; under certain circumstances (e.g. you want to recreate the repository later on) the following statements may be sufficient to remove the repository:
Option 5. Delete DB Control Configuration Files and Repository Objects using EMCA
For DB Control 10.1.x, dropping both the configuration files and the repository objects is a two step process. Run the following two commands:
For DB Control 10.2.x, both configuration files and repository objects can be deleted with a single command. Run the command:
Option 1. Create the DB Control Configuration Files
To create only the DB Control configuration files, skipping the repository creation (this would be done for instance if you dropped only the files and left the repository in place):
Option 2. Create the DB Control Repository Objects and Configuration Files
Option 2. Recreate the DB Control Configuration Files and Repository
In 10.2, the EMCA commands can be used to reconfigure the existing installs without removing them first.
Option 1. Recreate the DB Control Configuration Files only (leave Repository intact):
For DB Control 10.2.x, run the command:
Option 2. Recreate the DB Control Configuration Files and Repository
For DB Control 10.2.x, run the command:
For additional information on EMCA commandline options, please see the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Advanced Configuration Guide or see Note 330130.1 Overview Of The EMCA Commands Available for DB Control 10.2
Note 395162.1 - How to manage DB Control 10.2 for RAC Database with emca
Note 456437.1 - Ora-24005 Error Trying To Drop User Sysman Cascade
Scope and Application
How To Drop, Create And Recreate DB Control In A 10g Database
DB Control options:
A. Delete DB Control Objects:
B. Create DB Control Objects
C. Recreate/ReConfig DB Control
Applies to:
Enterprise Manager Grid Control - Version: 10.1 to 11.1Information in this document applies to any platform.
This article provides detailed instructions on how to 1) create, 2) drop and 3)recreate the repository and configuration files for the DB Control application used to manage a single 10g Database.Scope and Application
The steps in this article are written for a DBA or System Administrator who needs to create, drop or reconfigure the DB Control Application.The format of the document will include steps for both 10.1 and 10.2 EMCA because the commands changed between the two releases.
For detailed instructions on DB Control 10.2 for RAC, please consult also:
Note 395162.1 How to manage DB Control 10.2 for RAC Database with emca
How To Drop, Create And Recreate DB Control In A 10g Database
DB Control options:
A. Delete DB Control Objects:
Option 1. Delete DB Control Configuration Files using EMCA scripts
Option 2. Delete DB Control Configuration Files Manually:
Option 3. Delete DB Control Repository Objects using RepManager
Option 4. Delete DB Control Repository Objects Manually
Option 5. Delete DB Control Configuration Files and Repository Objects using EMCA
Option 1. Delete DB Control Configuration Files using EMCA scripts:
For DB Control 10.1.x, run the command:/bin/emca -x For DB Control 10.2.x, run the command: bin/emca -deconfig dbcontrol db
Option 2. Delete DB Control Configuration Files Manually:
Remove the following directories from your filesystem:
On Windows you also need to delete the DB Console service:
- run regedit
- navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services
- locate the OracleDBConsole entry and delete it
Alternatively on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 you can run the following from the command line:
'sc delete'
- where is the DB Control service name (typically: OracleDBConsole)
Also available from Microsoft is the delsrv.exe command. (Free download from Microsoft)
On Windows you also need to delete the DB Console service:
- run regedit
- navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services
- locate the OracleDBConsole
Alternatively on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 you can run the following from the command line:
'sc delete
- where
Also available from Microsoft is the delsrv.exe command. (Free download from Microsoft)
Option 3. Delete DB Control Repository using RepManager:
This option is not as complete as the other options. You may find that dropping the repository using the commandline options is a better solution. Also note, RepManager is not used to create a DB Control Repository.
In both 10g R1 and R2 run:/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager -action drop
Warning: this command puts the database in Quiesce Mode.
Please consult the Note 375946.1 Running EMCA Results in Database quiesce And No
New Connections or Operations Can Be Performed During the DB Control Repository Creation
Please consult the Note 375946.1 Running EMCA Results in Database quiesce And No
New Connections or Operations Can Be Performed During the DB Control Repository Creation
Option 4. Delete DB Control Repository Objects Manually
Step 1: Drop AQ related objects in the SYSMAN schema Logon SQLPLUS as user SYSMAN SQL> exec DBMS_AQADM.DROP_QUEUE_TABLE(queue_table=>'MGMT_NOTIFY_QTABLE',force =>TRUE); Step 2: Drop the DB Control Repository Objects Logon SQLPLUS as user SYS or SYSTEM, and drop the sysman account and management objects: SQL> SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; SQL> STARTUP RESTRICT; SQL> EXEC sysman.emd_maintenance.remove_em_dbms_jobs; SQL> EXEC sysman.setEMUserContext('',5); SQL> REVOKE dba FROM sysman; SQL> DECLARE CURSOR c1 IS SELECT owner, synonym_name name FROM dba_synonyms WHERE table_owner = 'SYSMAN'; BEGIN FOR r1 IN c1 LOOP IF r1.owner = 'PUBLIC' THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM '||; ELSE EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP SYNONYM '||r1.owner||'.'||; END IF; END LOOP; END; / SQL> DROP USER mgmt_view CASCADE; SQL> DROP ROLE mgmt_user; SQL> DROP USER sysman CASCADE; SQL> ALTER SYSTEM DISABLE RESTRICTED SESSION;
Logon SQLPLUS as user SYS or SYSTEM, and drop the sysman account and management objects: SQL> drop user sysman cascade; SQL> drop role MGMT_USER; SQL> drop user MGMT_VIEW cascade; SQL> drop public synonym MGMT_TARGET_BLACKOUTS; SQL> drop public synonym SETEMVIEWUSERCONTEXT;
Option 5. Delete DB Control Configuration Files and Repository Objects using EMCA
For DB Control 10.1.x, dropping both the configuration files and the repository objects is a two step process. Run the following two commands:
/bin/emca -x /sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager -action drop
For DB Control 10.2.x, both configuration files and repository objects can be deleted with a single command. Run the command:
/bin/emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop
Warning: this command puts the database in Quiesce Mode.
Please consult the Note 375946.1 Running EMCA Results in Database quiesce And No
New Connections or Operations Can Be Performed During the DB Control Repository Creation
Please consult the Note 375946.1 Running EMCA Results in Database quiesce And No
New Connections or Operations Can Be Performed During the DB Control Repository Creation
B. Create DB Control Objects
Option 1. Create the DB Control Configuration Files
Option 2. Create the DB Control Repository Objects and Configuration Files
Option 1. Create the DB Control Configuration Files
To create only the DB Control configuration files, skipping the repository creation (this would be done for instance if you dropped only the files and left the repository in place):
For DB Control 10.1.x, run the command:/bin/emca -r For DB Control 10.2.x, run the command: /bin/emca -config dbcontrol db
Option 2. Create the DB Control Repository Objects and Configuration Files
For DB Control 10.1.x, run the command:/bin/emca For DB Control 10.2.x, run the command: bin/emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create
Warning: this command puts the database in Quiesce Mode.
Please consult the Note 375946.1 Running EMCA Results in Database quiesce And No
New Connections or Operations Can Be Performed During the DB Control Repository Creation
Please consult the Note 375946.1 Running EMCA Results in Database quiesce And No
New Connections or Operations Can Be Performed During the DB Control Repository Creation
C. Recreate/ReConfig DB Control
Option 1. Recreate the DB Control Configuration Files only (leave Repository intact)Option 2. Recreate the DB Control Configuration Files and Repository
In 10.2, the EMCA commands can be used to reconfigure the existing installs without removing them first.
Option 1. Recreate the DB Control Configuration Files only (leave Repository intact):
For DB Control 10.2.x, run the command:
/bin/emca -config dbcontrol db
Option 2. Recreate the DB Control Configuration Files and Repository
For DB Control 10.2.x, run the command:
/bin/emca -config dbcontrol db -repos recreate
Warning: this command puts the database in Quiesce Mode.
Please consult the Note 375946.1 Running EMCA Results in Database quiesce And No
New Connections or Operations Can Be Performed During the DB Control Repository Creation
Please consult the Note 375946.1 Running EMCA Results in Database quiesce And No
New Connections or Operations Can Be Performed During the DB Control Repository Creation
For additional information on EMCA commandline options, please see the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Advanced Configuration Guide or see Note 330130.1 Overview Of The EMCA Commands Available for DB Control 10.2
Note 375946.1 - Problem: Running EMCA Results in Database quiesce And No New Connections or Operations Can Be Performed During the DB Control Repository CreationNote 395162.1 - How to manage DB Control 10.2 for RAC Database with emca
Note 456437.1 - Ora-24005 Error Trying To Drop User Sysman Cascade
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